Business protection

Time is precious and, like many business owners, you are probably too busy to spend it regularly reviewing your protection needs.

However, take a few moments to consider the following:

  • Do you know what would happen to a shareholder’s shares if they were to pass away?
  • Are there employees in your business who play a pivotal part in generating income for the business or increasing profitability?
  • What would happen if anything happened to them and how much would it cost to replace them?

We work with business clients to help identify key issues that could affect their business and make recommendations on how to protect it. In some cases we could also look at suggestions that keep your family from being adversely affected.

A business protection review can actually end up saving you money.

For example, are you paying for life cover personally? Relevant Life Plans (RLP) can be paid for by the company which significantly reduces the cost of the cover. Also, RLPs are not classed as a benefit in kind.

Contact us today to find out how we can help you.